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In March 2025, we will be opening the doors to Livingston County's first and only pay-it-foward cafe, a place that will serve fresh, high quality food to everyone in our community regardless of story, circumstance, or financial means. This unique cafe will feature menus without prices, so that those who need to be blessed by a free meal can receive one with dignity, and those who have the means to be a blessing others can make a donation that covers their meal in addition to the meal of someone else It will be a hub for hospitality and generosity, providing a special space for our community to gather and make a difference in the lives of others.
The beautiful space features a glass gathering room that can be rented out for small meetings or lunches during the week. On evenings and weekends, when the cafe is not operating, the main dining room will become available for rent as well for private parties. Bookings are now being accepted for dates after March 9. Rates and details available HERE.​
Learn how The Ivy Table evolved from a small mission-based catering business in Brighton, MI to a global 501c3 nonprofit.

The Ivy Table is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization in Brighton, MI committed to living out the words in Matthew 25:35, "For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me a drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in". Using a biblical model for hospitality, our focus goes beyond just feeding people. We aim to serve others in a way that shines the love of Christ, provides hope and help to those in need, creates a sense of belonging for everyone, and strengthens our community, The Ivy Table's ministry focuses on those living in Livingston County, but also reaches a population living 8,600 miles across the world in Thailand.
If you would like to partner with us or know of an individual or organization that could use our support, please contact us.